Elizabeth Bradbury

@ Advancing Quality Alliance (AQuA)

Elizabeth Bradbury
  • Bio

Elizabeth Bradbury, Director, leads AQuA’s member and consultancy work on integrated care, system transformation and whole system flow. Her particular interest is complex system change and system leadership and she works extensively with provider and multi-agency partnership boards to design and implement new models of care.

Elizabeth has led national, regional and local quality improvement programmes and was an improvement consultant for NHS Scotland for several years. She gained international experience as a Health Foundation Quality Improvement Fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement exploring system integration and building improvement capability at scale.

Previously Elizabeth worked as a nurse in emergency and high dependency areas prior to hospital and health authority managerial roles and time as a PCT commissioner of urgent and emergency care. She was part of the NHS Modernisation Agency Emergency Services Collaborative national team and worked for the DH Intensive Support Team. She is an accredited executive leadership coach.

  • My Previous Events

  • Urgent and Emergency Care: Facilitating Patient Flow

    • 08-10-2019
    • 08:30 - 16:30
    • Manchester Hall