Touchpoint Europe

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  • Bio

Touchpoint Europe

is combining the profound knowledge of Neuropsychology with an day to day usable device to improve health and psychological health particular.

The device can be used by anybody and it should reduce the cost of healthcare significantly.


Our Mission

Create a culture that integrates conscious capitalism while combining neuroscience and technology into paradigm-changing consumer products that empower and improve lives and positively impact families and communities.


Our Vision

The creation of a more healthy, peaceful, and productive world through a fundamental shift in the way people understand and handle their stress response by making BLAST technology affordable and accessible for everyone.

  • Our Previous Events

  • Improving Mental Health Outcomes: Integrating, Coordinating and Transforming Services

    • 25-04-2018
    • 08:30 - 16:30
    • The Bridgewater Hall, Manchester