Michelle Childs

Physical Activity & Health Manager
@ Life Leisure

Michelle Childs
  • Bio

Michelle Childs, project lead for the actiLIFE programme has over 10 years’ experience of managing projects aimed at improving people’s physical activity levels, health and quality of life. Starting life in the leisure industry as a fitness manager, Michelle has always been passionate about the impact physical activity and fitness can have on people’s health and wellbeing and as a result has led on numerous successful projects including the development of Life Leisure’s innovative ‘Health Hub’ concept and the expansion of various health initiatives across Stockport.

actiLIFE was borne out of a vision to improve  people’s activity levels outside of a traditional gym environment, and the need to provide a solution for those who could not or do not want to access a local leisure or fitness facility. The programme and technology solution has been designed by physical activity specialists to meet the everyday needs of the end user (the inactive population) and the real life coaches who contribute.

  • My Previous Events

  • NHS Five Year Plan: Responding to the Prevention Challenge

    • 22-03-2016
    • 08:30 - 16:30
    • The Royal National Hotel, London