Elliot Lukies

Lead Facilitator
@ AndysManClub

Elliot Lukies
  • Bio

At the age of 16 depression drove Luke to the point of a suicide attempt. Since finding his own path and battling with his mental health Elliot now works to bring that same change to others’ lives as a men’s mental health activist, speaking up about the stigma surrounding men’s mental health, through blogs, social media and media appearances. Also, he is privileged to be working with a charity that saved his life AndysManClub, setting up 5 branches of the charity across North Yorkshire. Alongside his work with AndysManClub and activism he is completing a masters in Mental Health Social Work, focusing his research on Men’s Mental Health.

  • My Previous Events

  • Strengthening Mental Health Support in Universities - A Way Forward

    • 24-04-2024
    • 08:30 - 16:30
    • Pendulum Hotel & Manchester Conference Centre