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A New Light on the Management of Depression in the ICS Era

  • Tuesday, 27 June 2023
  • Pendulum Hotel & Manchester Conference Centre
  • 10:00 - 15:00
Expert Speakers
Sponsors & Supporters
  • Overview

Open Forum Events and Ethypharm Digital Therapy invites you to join us at A New Light on the Management of Depression in the ICS Era conference which will provide an insight to the challenges being faced daily in managing depression across the system and discuss potential solutions.

This event will bring together expert speakers from across the healthcare sector who will offer greater insight to the challenges and solutions to support attendees within their roles.

The current experience for patients with depression is mixed and often there are regional inequalities of access to care and limited treatment options. There is still an over reliance on medication and talking therapies offer a positive option but waiting times and treatment success rates still mean that improvements in managing patients need to be made.

Primary care is heavily burdened by managing depressed patients with many requiring frequent appointments and a 10-minute appointment can often run much longer disrupting clinics and other patients. A New Light on the Management of Depression seeks to explore the scale of the issue, analyse current best practice and offer new solutions to address the growing population need for clinically effective alternatives. New approaches will be explored under the lens of meeting the new NICE guidelines for depression and implementing change within the new ICS organisations.

Book your place today at the A New Light on the Management of Depression in the ICS Era conference and join like-minded peers to explore how mental health service providers can be better equipped to provide the necessary support to such a high number of patients.

  • Confirmed Speakers

Event Sponsors

  • Event Programme


Registration and Coffee in the Networking Area


Chair's Opening Address

  • Rebecca Strawbridge, Lecturer in Affective Disorders, Centre for Affective Disorders, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London (confirmed)
"Are people with depression “stagnating” in primary care?"

This talk will focus on our work establishing what happens to people experiencing depression in terms of care across Europe (current-care) in comparison with best-practice care as delineated in management guidelines. I will consider the impacts of the pandemic on care for depression, and the impacts of mitigation strategies employed in services to overcome disruptions to care for depression.


Question and Answer Session

"Allocated planned time for our speaker to receive questions from the audience and induce further discussion"

Dr Manoj Wijesinghe, GP Partner Roby Medical Centre, Huyton (confirmed)

Andy Wright, Primary Care - PCN Clinical Lead & Secondary Care - IAPT Service Head (confirmed)

"The Status Quo: Treatment options for patients and the outcomes of current pathways –- Primary and secondary care perspectives."

Question and Answer Session

"Allocated planned time for our speaker to receive questions from the audience and induce further discussion"

Chair Mediated Round Table

GP - Dr Arun Saini, Black Country ICS Primary Care Lead on Mental Health (Confirmed)
Psychiatry –Dr SafiullahAfghan, Consultant Psychiatrist, Black Country Healthcare NHST (confirmed)

"Are the New NICE Guidelines for depression going to change the management of depression in Primary Care?"

Question and Answer Session

"Allocated planned time for speakers to receive questions from the audience and induce further discussion"

Lunch in the Networking Area

A hot, two-course lunch consisting of multiple options will be provided for delegates. We cater for all dietary requirements, including vegetarian, vegan and gluten/dairy-free; just notify us ahead of time should you have any allergens or requirements.


Digital therapy as a solution – Experience and results of a pilot study in primary care

Dr Rob Baker, Clinical Lead Nuneaton North PCN (Confirmed)

"Digital therapy as a solution – Experience and results of a pilot study in primary care "

Question and Answer Session

"Allocated planned time for our speaker to receive questions from the audience and induce further discussion"

Gina Bain Lawrence, Health Transformation and Commissioning Advisor (Confirmed) 

"Digital Transformation – How new pathways and therapies are introduced with the new ICS structu"

Question and Answer Session

"Allocated planned time for our speaker to receive questions from the audience and induce further discussion"

Can Integrated Care Systems adapt to manage the growing demand of mental health

All Speakers, short comments


Chair’s Closing Remarks & Event Close

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  • Sponsors
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  • Who will attend

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Downloads & Resources

  • Open Forum Events Sponsorship Brochure
    Open Forum Events offer a number of partnership, sponsorship and exhibition opportunities that can meet your marketing and business development needs.

who will attend

Acute and Community Mental Health Services
Business / Service Development Managers
Care Co-Ordinators
Chairs of NHS Trust Board
Chief Executives and Assistant Chief Executives
Clinical Commissioning Groups
Commissioning Managers
Directors / Heads of Adult Social Services
Directors / Heads of Public Health
Finance & Clinical Leads
General Practitioners and Practice Managers (senior partners/decision makers, eg not trainees)

Heads of Commissioning
Heads of Service (Mental Health, Primary care)
Health and Wellbeing Boards and Managers
ICS Commissioners
Medical Directors / Officers (Mental Health)
Mental Health Leads
Mental Health Researchers
PCN Clinical Leads
Senior GPs