Kim Martin

EY Safeguarding Consultant
@ The Safeguarding Consultant

Kim Martin
  • Bio

With over two decades in early years education, I have evolved from a frontline practitioner to a safeguarding specialist, with a deep theoretical and practical understanding. My evolution began with a personal hyper vigilance for recognising vulnerability while developing my professional understanding for implementing robust responses. Today, I am dedicated to proactive safeguarding, focusing on audits, training, mentorship, policy development, and public advocacy. My personal journey—overcoming a childhood marred by abuse, homelessness at thirteen, subsequent challenges in care and then domestic abuse—has shaped my professional path. Fuelled by a passion to promote and empower safeguarding for the most vulnerable.

  • My Upcoming Events

  • The National Safeguarding Children 2024 Conference

    • 21-11-2024
    • 08:30 - 16:30
    • Pendulum Hotel & Manchester Conference Centre