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Mental Health: Supporting NHS Workforce Resilience

  • Thursday, 11 May 2023
  • Pendulum Hotel & Manchester Conference Centre
  • 08:30 - 16:30
Expert Speakers
Sponsors & Supporters
  • Overview

The NHS is under immense pressure and the impact on staff health and wellbeing cannot be underestimated.

Open Forum Events invite you to join us at the Mental Health: Supporting NHS Workforce Resilience conference which will provide a platform to highlight the challenges being faced daily and discuss potential solutions.

The conference agenda will showcase workforce mental health initiatives which are providing effective support for NHS staff, enabling them to stay healthy and equipping with the resilience to undertake their demanding roles. There will be analysis of the causes of increased stress levels, such as reduced staffing levels, reflections on the consequences and conversations around how to improve the current situation.

Caring for the mental health and psychological wellbeing of the NHS' people is essential in delivering world class care and patient safety. COVID-19 created unprecedented demand on the NHS and it remains the case as staff facilitate the recovery. The day-to-day challenges for the NHS Workforce continue to be exceptionally high and it is a priority to nurture staff health and well-being for them in turn to support the health of the nation.

Book you place at the CPD accredited Mental Health: Supporting NHS Workforce Resilience conference and benefit from a day of informative presentations, insightful conversations and networking opportunities.

Interested in being a speaker? Email:

  • Confirmed Speakers

Event Sponsors and Supporters

  • Event Programme


Registration and Coffee in the Networking Area


Chairs Opening Address

  • Mary Morton, Lead Nurse Safeguarding and Public Protection, Powys Teaching Health Board (confirmed)
"The Challenges and Opportunities to Support Staff Wellbeing"

As an employer of 1.6 million people in the UK, the NHS has an opportunity and a responsibility to prevent ill health by influencing and improving the wellbeing of its own workforce.


Sharing Best Practice

  • Mr Tony Clayson, Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon , Wrightington Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (confirmed)
"Supporting the Mental Health of Foundation Doctors and Well Being Culture Change for Medical Staff"

Medical colleagues are one of the most challenging staff groups to acknowledge and address their personal well being difficulties with increasing numbers of young doctors leaving the profession. We present our approach to facilitating culture change by introducing a comprehensive programme of well being sessions for newly qualified Doctors in the first two years of their career, embracing topics including selfcare, civility, psychological safety, a just and learning culture and principles of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. We emphasise a focus on self compassion and describe how this culminates in focussed Compassionate Leadership training in collaboration with HEE Northwest.


Case Study

  • Dr Karl Tizzard-Kleister, Director & Head of Quality Improvement, Health Action Training (confirmed)
  • Gosia Geslak RN, Clinical Research Nurse at C-TRIC, Western Health and Social Care Trust (confirmed)
  • Sue Foster RN, Director & Head of Curriculum Design, Health Action Training, Health Action Training (confirmed)
"Health Action Training enhancing the inter-personal communication skills for nursing and midwifery staff at the Western Health and Social Care NHS trust"

This case study will explore the collaboration between HAT and the WHSCT through the generous funding of the Burdett Nursing Trust to use HAT training to enhance WHSCT staff’s inter-personal communication skills. The presentation will explore the outcomes of the project, and give an insight into the experience for nurses who took part in the project. What will be highlighted is the astonishing findings that beyond enhancing communication skills, HAT training had a significant impact on staff’s resilience, ability to perform person-centred practice, sense of well being, and much more. This case study will offer an example of an incredibly positive project spearheaded by an NHS trust working in partnership with outside organisations to help staff enhance their skills, feel valued, be better able to cope, and become more effective and person-centred practitioners.


Question and Answer Session


Coffee in the Networking Area

  • Dr Ruth Watson, Consultant Clinical Psychologist , Greater Manchester Resilience Hub (Pennine Care) (confirmed)
  • Jenni Willbourn, Clinical Team Leader, Greater Manchester Resilience Hub (confirmed)
"Wellbeing Support Hubs"

Support hubs have been set up across England to offer NHS staff, at greatest risk of suffering mental health problems as a result of working during the pandemic, access to mental health services.


Case Study

  • Dr Nicola Eccles, Head of Mental Health and Wellbeing , Aspire Strategies (confirmed)
"The Real Truth About Effective Mental Health Strategies for Healthcare Professionals Today: A Conversation"

The critical issue facing organisations, particularly the NHS, is how we can build organisational and individual skills to manage mental health in the long term. This session draws on research and experience to demonstrate the lack of 'fit' and ineffectiveness in so many organisational mental health strategies. We identify two fundamental changemakers, a lifelong approach to skills and learning alongside a realistic analysis of personal resources. More importantly, how these can be implemented in the real world

  • Nigel Fyffe, Education and Training Officer Organisation, Aware NI (confirmed)
"Supporting Workplace Mental Health"

This presentation will provide an overview of Aware NI and its core services, focusing on its Workplace Education and Training department; we will cover the following core areas.

  • An introduction to Aware and our services
  • A context for Mental Health in N. Ireland
  • The impact of Mental Health issues on workplaces
  • The primary Mental Health issues
  • The good news; dealing with Mental Health issues in the workplace
  • Dr Agnes Kocsis, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Head of Clinical Health Psychology, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and CNWL NHS Foundation Trust (confirmed)
"Re-Minding Our Organisations"

This describes input for ICU and other staff at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust which is about re-minding. Rather than more and more goals, and more mental doing, it offers ways of being easier with the realities of what we have to work with day to day. We present our materials and our work also with the University of East Anglia. We discuss too, the challenges of bringing the courses to organisations that themselves are in need of re-minding.


Question and Answer Session


Lunch in the Networking Area

A hot, two-course lunch consisting of multiple options will be provided for delegates. We cater for all dietary requirements, including vegetarian, vegan and gluten/dairy-free; just notify us ahead of time should you have any allergens or requirements.


Chair's Afternoon Address

  • Zoe Garnett, Staff Wellbeing Manager, Steps4Wellness Team, WWL NHS Trust (confirmed)
"The Role of Wellbeing Champions"

The NHS People Plan outlines the ambition to enable NHS organisations to create cultures of wellbeing across their organisations, through encouraging wellbeing conversations and the introduction of networks of Health and Wellbeing Champions. Health and Wellbeing Champions are individuals who work at all levels of the NHS, from all demographics and roles, who will promote, identify and signpost their colleagues to local and national health and wellbeing support offers. This is intended to be taken on as a responsibility in addition to their day to day role.

  • Dr Alison Booth, Principal Clinical Psychologist, Wrightington Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust (confirmed)
"Staff Psychological Support in an Acute Trust setting"

Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Trust have made an amazing commitment to staff mental health by commissioning an in-house mental health service to provide rapid-access psychological assessment, formulation and intervention to trust staff. This service was formed in 2020 and has grown to now offer a permanently funded, stepped-care model of mental health support. The service has recently received powerful feedback from staff about its impact on an individual level, and is now focused on the strategic, long-term aims of increasing the resilience of the workforce.

  • Dr Jo Jordan, Clinical Lead, Consultant Psychologist, Humber and North Yorkshire Resilience Hub (confirmed)
  • Holly Jeffrey, Assistant Psychologist, Humber and North Yorkshire Resilience Hub (confirmed)
  • Dr Asha Greaves, Psychologist , Humber and North Yorkshire Resilience Hub (confirmed)
"A Co-produced Long-Covid Support Pathway"

The Humber & North Yorkshire Resilience Hub was commissioned by NHSE in the wake of the covid pandemic, to offer a psychologically led staff-support service to health, social care and emergency service staff and their families. This article discusses the creation within this staff-well-being framework, of a co-produced pathway to support the abundance of individuals referring into the hub with long-covid symptomatology. These clients were reporting feeling isolated, reflecting that they were lacking an understanding around symptoms & management, and wanted to develop psychological strategies to support their symptoms. To this end, the long-covid support programme was co-created, alongside clients and hub- based professionals, to progress the unmet need that had been identified for this cohort. An 8-week psychoeducational and therapeutic support group was initially formed, reviewed and modified over a six-month period through co-produced focus groups, to optimise a combination of clinical health psychology frameworks and supportive validated peer space. In providing this service, though feedback and clinical need, we also identified that the pathway should be extended to support an array of cognitive based symptoms, through neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation support. This article seeks to present this unique co-produced long-covid initiative and discuss the process and the context of the service development framework.


Question and Answer Session


Afternoon Refreshment Break

"Employee Burnout"

Following original research into resilience and recovery, Alastair has been running resilience, recovery and burnout workshops for H&SC staff and NHS patients in Scotland for 15 years. During the Pandemic he was working with the Scottish Government delivering workshops to all health sectors. He developed Positive Mental Training, an audio programme which has been shown to increase resilience, positive emotions, and self-determination. He is co-founder of the Feeling Good App and a director of the charity The Foundation for Positive Mental Health.
Burnout can occur when you experience long-term stress in your job, or when your workload exceeds your coping capacity such that you are physically and emotionally drained. it is something affecting all sectors currently. This presentation will be talking about how we help staff in Scotland deal with these issues.
Common signs of burnout:
• Feeling tired or drained most of the time
• Feeling helpless, trapped and/or defeated
• Feeling detached/alone in the world
• Having a cynical/negative outlook
• Self-doubt
• Procrastinating and taking longer to get things done
• Feeling overwhelmed



Sharing Best Practice

  • Dr Emma Wheatley, Consultant in Intensive Care And Anaesthesia , Bolton NHS FT (confirmed)
"Supporting Colleagues So They Can Perform At Their Peak"

The talk will discuss ways of supporting staff in a simple way and giving them opportunites to access support both at work and outside work. The simple things matter.


Question and Answer Session


Chair’s Closing Remarks and Conference Close

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  • Being Pushy Won't Improve Your Workforce's Productivity

    • Posted on 24 January 2018
    • by Jim Thomas




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  • Mental Health: Supporting NHS Workforce Resilience

    • 10 November 2021
    • 08:30 - 17:05
    • Pendulum Hotel & Manchester Conference Centre

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who will attend

Acute and Community Mental Health Services
Allied Health Professionals
Area Managers
Business / Service Development Managers
Care Co-Ordinators
Chief Constables
Chief Executives and Assistant Chief Executives
Clinical Commissioning Group Members
Chairs of NHS Trust Board
Clinical Commissioning Groups
Directors / Heads of Nursing

Directors / Heads of Public Health
Directors / Heads of Adult Social Services
Directors / Heads of Children’s Social Services
Directors / Heads of Finance
General Practitioners and Practice Managers
Heads of Commissioning
Heads of Service
Heads of Strategy
Heads of Supported Employment
Health and Wellbeing Boards and Managers
Housing Associations
Medical Directors / Officers
Social Workers